The Project
Fyra Fina is a fictional indie beer brewery in the heart of Dalarna, run by two women: Kicki and Bettan. They aim to drive change in the beer industry and create an inclusive beer branding. The target audience consists of people who prefer social gatherings over parties, are interested in culture, locally produced products, and vintage and second-hand items.
This was a student project in colleboration with a dear friend during our college studies. Together, we designed the branding, and then I focused on the illustrations and brand merchandise. We aimed for Fyra Fina’s branding to have a handmade and local feel.
The moose, bear, wolf, and Eurasian eagle-owl are all animals that can be found in the deep forests of Dalarna. Each animal represents a different type of beer and is associated with a specific color to differentiate the label. This also serves the purpose of creating visual variation in the merchandise.